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The paper is concerned with the concept for creating zone selective protection of parallel double circuit overhead lines by measuring through magnetic field sensors and using these sensors as an alternative to measuring current and voltage transformers. The problem was set and solved in terms of sensor optimal placement near the transmission tower to obtain the minimum resulting signal in case of an external short circuit on the parallel overhead line, and maximum measurement in case of a short circuit in the area of the protected element regardless of the design transmission tower type. The minimum number of applied magnetic field sensors for the possibility of realizing the protection of overhead power line on a double-circuit support is determined. The optimal solution is implemented through the use of the heuristic method of multi-criteria optimization using a genetic algorithm through the module of optimization methods «Optimization Tool» in MATLAB software complex. The obtained results of the optimization module were verified using the implemented model in the MATLAB Simulink software environment, which allows for a comprehensive assessment of the resulting solution under various circuit conditions. The possibility of implementing selective protection using the resulting measurement of the magnetic field strength from six wires of a double-circuit power line without using methods which require magnetic field sensors to phase-by-phase change the current measure of every phase part has been revealed. This method of basic protection will be relevant for double-circuit 35 kV lines with one-way power supply, which do not have current transformers on the side of the receiving end.


magnetic field sensor, overhead power line, relay protection, double-circuit transmission tower, multi-criteria optimization

Vladislav A. Novobritsky Postgraduate Student, Irkutsk National Research Technical University (INRTU), Chief Specialist, Department of Parameter Setting for Relays and Automatics, Branch of JSC Russian Power System Operator, Irkutsk, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., https://orcid.org/0009-0008-8907-1732

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