The paper proposes an improved technique for calculating the torque-speed characteristic of the feed pump based on the provisions of the theory of hydraulic machines and research in the area of reversible hydraulic. Analytical expressions for the operating characteristics of feed pumps boiler installations and pipeline network characteristics taking into account the main components of head loss, such as loss of water hammer, the churning losses and hydraulic losses. The torque-speed characteristic is generated taking into account hydraulic losses and rubbing friction losses. Universal torque-speed characteristics of reversible hydraulic machines are used in counter-flow mode. The analysis of induction motor rundown is carried out on the basis of the updated methodology of calculating torque-speed characteristics of the working mechanism using the method of successive intervals. The developed method can be used to select pickup values of relay protection in the systems of in-plant thermal electric power stations.
Auxiliary power, feed pump, operating characteristics, pipeline network characteristics, torque-speed characteristic, transient stability.
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