Today, the task of developing energy-efficient power supply and control systems for subway electric drives is becoming increasingly relevant in terms of increasing traffic volumes and increasing requirements for the reliability and safety of the transport infrastructure operation in large cities. The article is devoted to the development of a new energy-saving subway power supply system, which, in combination with modern rolling stock adjustable electric drives, provides control of electricity flow between the contact supply networks and energy storage as the function of the load (current) of the contact network. The new energy-saving power supply system makes it possible to provide significant saving of electricity, up to 50 percent, and to adjust the daily load schedule of the subway supply network by using storage energy to compensate for peaks in the load of the contact network. Controlled active rectifiers as part of an energy-saving electrical supply system provide sufficient accuracy and voltage stabilization in the contact network, the exclusion of higher harmonics in the supply network and zero shift between the main harmonic of the current and the supply network voltage. The energy storage device in the power supply system is based on a lithium-ion battery and is equipped with a DC/DC converter with a battery charge-discharge current control circuit. Energy flows are controlled by changing the charge-discharge current of the battery as a function of the magnitude and the sign of the current in the contact network using a special software node in the programmable controller. A simulation model of a new energy-saving power supply system with adjustable asynchronous electric drives with vector control has been developed. Oscillograms have been obtained confirming the operability of the power supply system and the high quality of power flow control in the main modes of subway rolling stock operation.
energy-saving system, electric drive control, active rectifier, controlled energy storage, frequency-controlled electric drive, AC electric machines, traction substation, electromagnetic compatibility, energy recovery, DC/DC converter, simulation model
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