A feature of local power plants is the proportionality of their generator power to individual consumers. Consumers can operate in the alternating mode and the starting mode. In turn, their own generators can have different prime movers and, therefore, different moments of inertia. In this case, it is necessary to assess the admissibility of both island mode and parallel operation with the power system at a significant electrical distance. It is also necessary to take into account the load operating modes in accordance with the technological process. In addition, a separate mode that requires attention is the mode of starting a large engine in island mode. For this purpose, an algorithm has been developed to analyze the possibility of operating a variable load in normal and island modes, taking into account the characteristics of the connection with the power system, the prime mover of the generator and the magnitude of the load surge. The object of the study was the power supply system of the mining industry, where synchronous motors driving ball mills act as consumers, and a gas piston engine driving a synchronous generator acts as a power source. A feature of such a system is the presence of exclusively synchronous machines, which raises the question of excitation system operating modes. The studies were carried out using the KATRAN software package for calculating transient electromechanical regimes. An analysis of the modes during parallel operation with a weak connection to the power system was carried out. The calculation results of the island mode for separate operation are also presented. The action of automatic control systems for excitation and speed of synchronous machines is taken into account. Conclusions are drawn on the admissibility of the studied modes and recommendations are given to increase the stability of the generator and load.
local power plant, synchronous generator, variable load, generator and load stability, island mode, parallel operation with the power system, automatic excitation and speed control
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