The development of tracking hydraulic drives for high forces, movements and frequencies of mechanical action on the tested products is an urgent task since without these tests, it is impossible to put products into mass production. The tracking hydraulic drive is a complex mechanism. One of the most important devices in the system is the linear displacement sensor of the hydraulic cylinder rod, which is located in the feedback circuit. The peculiarity of the sensor being developed is that it must provide high accuracy parameters. The industrial partner has set the task of developing a number of inductive sensors for tracking hydraulic drives manufactured by it as part of import substitution. The purpose of the study is to determine the most effective design of the three most common ones based on digital modeling. The Ansys Electronics Desktop complex, which allows modeling electromagnetic processes, was chosen as a program for digital modeling. The complex is based on the finite element method. The program makes it possible to create the digital duplicate of the sensor itself and the control system for it. As a result, the main characteristics are determined on the digital model: the dependence of the output voltage and the nonlinearity of the output characteristic on the movement of the rod. According to the selected criteria, the best parameters were shown by a sensor with a radial arrangement of windings when placing the primary winding inside and the secondary measuring windings outside. This advantage is due to the better flow coupling of the measuring windings. The simulation showed that in order to increase the accuracy of the sensor parameters, digital selective calibration of the sensor together with the current supply using a control system to it is necessary. The main practical result of the study is to reduce technical risks before mass production of the sensor. The created digital model is parameterized and can be used to study inductive sensors with other sizes and parameters.
tracking hydraulic drive, inductive linear displacement sensor, finite element method, digital model, digital twin, quasi-static characteristics, dynamic characteristics
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