Warehouse logistics plays a key role in material management in current manufacturing environment. So the choice of the automatic control system is now of primary importance for a great number of companies. KonsOM SKS has developed and implemented a 3D scanning system for the finished product warehouse of the sheet rolling mill 11 of the OJSC “MMK”. Practical application of the developed model makes it possible to get the 3D representation of warehouse fillability/availability in order to correct its map.
Manufacturing warehouse, warehouse management, 3D scanning, tracking system, visualization, automation.
1. Ishmetyev E.N., Roamnenko A.V., Vasilyev E.Yu., Borisova M.V., Volschukov Yu.N., Panov A.N., Podpryatov K.A. Sistemy avtomatizirovannogo upravleniya skladami dlya metallurgicheskoi promyshlennosti [Systems of automatic warehouse management in metallurgy]. Avtomatizatsiya v promishlennosti [Automation in industry]. 2013, no.2, pp.27- 30.